Presentation Style
Pre-recorded Video Presentation with Slides Presentation:
The presentation can be delivered either in English or Malay.
Participants are required to insert Intro video BorNCe'23 (as attached).
Your presentation must be pre-recorded with a duration of 10 minutes or less.
The first slide must display the name of the presenter along with a picture.
Only 5 to 7 slides are allowed during the presentation.
Content of slide includes: Title, Introduction, Problem Statement, Objective, Methodology, Findings and Discussion.
The author, or one of the authors, who presents must register as a presenting participant.
It will be presented in the conference room according to the field of research
The presentation schedule and program book will be made known on the conference website.
The Video should be uploaded in YouTube by presenter with title : Participant ID_Title of Research (ex: TH005_Discovering the Impact of Tourism)
Due date for uploaded video : 28 July 2023, 5:00pm
Participant may submit the YouTube link through (Google Form)
Download Intro File for Video Presentation